5 Secrets Only The Smart Knows About Pig Farming

Pig farming is not as popular as other aspects of livestock production like cattle rearing, sheep, and goat. However, it is a lucrative Agric business in this era. Think I am exaggerating? In this article, you will learn top secrets about pig farming that many people do not know. 

And yes, don’t forget that this resource was put together to help you get started and make money from rearing pigs. Hopefully, you will leverage the secrets of pig farming that we will share with you and thank us someday.

So, let’s jump right in and uncover the secrets to becoming a successful pig farmer.

Pig Farming

Pigs utilize waste products

Pigs can feed on various waste products, from vegetables to fruits, bakery waste, unmarketable grains, and table garbage. So what this means is that there is no wastage in pig production. Waste products are useful in pig production, help to cut down costs without compromising the quality of feeding the pigs. So, even as a newbie pig farmer, you can raise healthy pigs on a low budget using waste products. The trick is to know what waste product to select and how to combine the waste products. Unfortunately, it’s only a few people who know that pigs can efficiently utilize waste products.

They are highly prolific

Another trendsetting secret about raising pigs for meat is their fast growth rate and ability to give birth to many offspring at a time. Yes, you heard that right. A pig can give birth to up to 22 litters at a time. And the best part is that pigs breed twice a year. This is not common with other domesticated animals. And at birth, litters weigh around 1.1 kg each. The prolific breeding potentials allow pig farmers to have a continuous flow of income. So, what are you still waiting for? Feel free to join other pig farmers and leverage the pig’s prolific nature and fast growth to make some cool money.

They have a good feed-to-meat conversion ratio

One of the facts about pig farming is that pigs have a good feed-to-meat conversion rate compared to other livestock. The feed-to-meat conversion ratio for a pig with a total feed intake of 213 kg is typically 2:1:1. Now consider it this way. A combination of waste products and pig feeds will result in healthy pigs with high economic values.

Wide range of species and breeds

There are 16 species of breeds you can choose from to start pig farming in Nigeria. And guess what? Pigs interbred easily. You can easily interbreed a domesticated pig with a wild pig, and trust me, you will get the desired results. With domesticated pigs, you have hundreds of breeds to choose from. Although, commercial pig farms concentrate on about 25 pig breeds. The kind of pig farming you intend to venture into will determine the breed of pig to rear. For instance, lean pigs are recommended for producing streaky or belly bacon.

Without further ado, let’s have a quick look at the types of pigs in Nigeria. It makes sense to stray a bit from our main topic and dig a little into this sub-topic, because the type of pigs you rear will determine your productivity in pig farming. We won’t go into the full details in this article, so check our resources for the article that talks deeply about the best breeds of pigs to rear in Nigeria. 

There are four common pig breeds in Nigeria- Duroc, Landrace, Yorkshire, and Hampshire. Some commercial pig farmers also rear the crosses of the pig breeds mentioned. These pig breeds have high resistance to disease and a good conversion rate. The Hampshire is best for bacon production, while the Duroc is great for pork, thanks to their fast growth rate. The Landrace and the Yorkshire are recommended for upgrading local pigs because of their valuable traits and economic characteristics.

Quick adaptation

It would interest you to know that pigs can adapt to any environment in a little time. As long there is security and proper ventilation, pigs will thrive under any environmental condition. So, you don’t have to be up and doing, trying to help your pigs adapt to an environment. All you have to do is ensure a good housing system and maintain a good management practice in your pig farm. There are many pig farm designs you can choose from without breaking the bank, and believe me. Your pigs will adapt well to the housing system. Oh, I won’t forget to mention that pigs can also adapt to kitchen waste and other waste products. So, you would still get the same result if you decide to integrate local pig farming methods into your piggery farming business plan.


Pig farming has its techniques, methods, and secrets. We are glad to have shared the top five secrets about pig farming that only the smart knows. And lucky you, because you have become a part of the smart people by engaging with this article. So now, it’s down to you to make use of the secrets and raise pigs for meat and the money.

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